Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is the World Wide Web?

World Wide Web or WWW or simply the web, consists of millions of web sites (web site) and every web site comprises many web pages (web page). These web pages scattered throughout the world on server computers that connect to the Internet. Sites such as or is a web site that has long existed and provide numerous facilities so that the pages within this site is also very much. Imagine yourself the total number of web pages on the internet ....???
Facilities on the World Wide Web
Internet is often referred to as a jungle of information with the many services that can be utilized to the maximum extent possible, even quite a lot of games. This has been one of the attractions the internet today. And if observed again, that in fact it is the World Wide Web with a variety of services offered. Here are some types of WWW services you need to know, among other things:
1. Web Mail Service 2. Search Engine 3. Web Hosting 4. Portal


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